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What Is the Harvest Finance price prediction today
- In 2025, Harvest Finance price is expected to reach $42.88007429393743, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $5.0415258019420754 to $89.62, with WalletInvestor predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $89.62
- By 2030, FARM price can hit $42.88007429393743
Harvest Finance fundamental analysis
FARM is a token powering Harvest Finance — an aggregator platform designed to help its users maximize their yield farming profits. Harvest Finance was launched in September 2020.
As DeFi space grows, so does the popularity of yield farming — the way for crypto investors to earn passive income on their funds after locking them into smart contracts. For example, one may become a liquidity provider (LP) by lending their money to a DeFi entity, which pays interest on those deposits.
Yield farming can provide handsome rewards, but there are some complications, too: to get the best interest rates and account for losses, yield farmers have to use increasingly elaborate schemes of taking profits, closing out their positions, reinvesting, and so forth. Also, as with all crypto, all transactions have associated fees and gas costs, which are not always feasible for small investors. Harvest Finance solves these issues by:
- Gathering large pools of currency from its users and investing them in bulk to spread out the costs;
- Automating the farming process by reselling, compounding, and staking users’ funds.
70% of the profits generated by Harvest go back into farming pools to get more yield. Another 20% get distributed as rewards for farmers who staked their FARM tokens into the Rewards pool (also denominated in FARM). The remaining 10% is used to increase the value of iFarm — Harvest’s yield-bearing token.
Harvest Finance live price chart
In October 2020, soon after its launch, Harvest Finance went through a flash loan attack which seriously breached the trust in the project, bringing Harvest’s native token price down more than 3x, to around $100. As the Bitcoin bull run gained momentum in early 2021, however, FARM price managed to recover, hitting upwards of $425 at one point in February. Harvest Finance’s price lost some steam after that, slowly declining to the levels just above $100 before the May market crash, then going further down and trading at $50–$60 throughout the first half of the summer. The end of July brought some very good news for the FARM bulls — the Harvest token was listed on Coinbase, which is often interpreted as a vote of confidence. At the beginning of August, FARM was trading above $250 again; with the market on the upswing, this could be a sign for some to get into farming.
Harvest Finance technical analysis
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Harvest Finance price prediction
Harvest Finance price predictions summary
Harvest Finance price prediction for 2025
Harvest Finance price prediction for 2026
Harvest Finance price prediction for 2027
Harvest Finance price prediction for 2028
Harvest Finance price prediction for 2030
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