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What Is the Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction today
- In 2025, Ampleforth Governance Token price is expected to reach $5.898606142586085, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $2.662 to $8.417, with WalletInvestor predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $8.417
- By 2030, FORTH price can hit $5.898606142586085
Ampleforth Governance Token fundamental analysis
FORTH is a governance token on Ampleforth, complementing AMPL which is a currency on the same blockchain. FORTH was released in April 2021, while AMPL has been in use since 2019.
The main idea behind Ampleforth is creating a cryptocurrency with an elastic supply, which is achieved by automatically expanding and shrinking the supply of AMPL, or rebasing following the price changes. This way, the price always hovers around $1. One caveat of this is that the number of tokens in every holder’s wallet changes constantly to keep the same value after rebasing. This limits some functionality that requires a fixed number of staked tokens from the users – namely, the voting process. FORTH was created as a token with a non-elastic supply to solve this issue.
FORTH is used by the Ampleforth’s community to vote on changes to the main protocol, directly or through delegates. The tokens were initially distributed between the early backers of the project and the active community participants – i.e. users who previously interacted with AMPL. FORTH’s launch came after Ampleforth’s ecosystem was established and AMPL proved to be a useful cryptocurrency as a step towards decentralization and a sign of trust in the community.
Ampleforth Governance Token live price chart
Unlike AMPL, which keeps its price as non-volatile as possible, FORTH is not immune to volatility by design. However, in the short time since its launch, its price has been avoiding a crazy rollercoaster we often see with crypto. FORTH’s price surged to an all-time high of $71.37 on April 22, 2021, the day after it started trading. After that, it slowly climbed down to the ~$5 lows in mid-June. Towards the end of June, Ampleforth generated some interest, likely because of some new integrations like Meter Passport, which caused the price to rise slightly – by the beginning of July, FORTH was trading mostly at $16-$17.
Ampleforth Governance Token technical analysis
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Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction
Ampleforth Governance Token price predictions summary
Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction for 2025
Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction for 2026
Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction for 2027
Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction for 2028
Ampleforth Governance Token price prediction for 2030
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