Bitcoin Price Prediction: What Will Bitcoin Be Worth in 2025?

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What Is the Bitcoin Price Prediction Today


  • In 2024, Bitcoin price is expected to reach $95231.96395985951, according to some experts
  • 2025 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $4098.263935754731 to $63791.45, with TradingBeast predicting Bitcoin hitting a low at $4098.263935754731
  • By 2030, BTC price can hit $95231.96395985951

Bitcoin Fundamental Analysis

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Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority, like a bank or government. It was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, and it was released as open-source software in 2009.

Creation of Bitcoin

The founding of Bitcoin is shrouded in mystery, primarily because its creator, or creators, operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and have remained anonymous. The concept of Bitcoin was first introduced in a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," which was published by Nakamoto in October 2008 on a cryptography mailing list.

The whitepaper outlined the design and principles behind Bitcoin, describing it as a decentralized digital currency system that would allow for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks. It introduced the concept of blockchain technology as the underlying framework for recording and verifying transactions.

On January 3, 2009, Nakamoto mined the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the "genesis block," which included the message "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks." This message is widely interpreted as a commentary on the flaws of the traditional banking system and the motivation behind creating Bitcoin.

Nakamoto continued to be involved in the development of Bitcoin in its early days, collaborating with other developers and users through online forums and email correspondence. However, in late 2010, Nakamoto gradually withdrew from the project and ceased communication with the Bitcoin community. Since then, Nakamoto's true identity has remained unknown, despite much speculation and numerous attempts to uncover it.

The features and transactions 

One of the key features of Bitcoin is its limited supply. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence, making it a deflationary asset. This scarcity and its decentralized nature have led to Bitcoin being seen as a store of value similar to gold.

Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous, meaning that while the transactions themselves are recorded on the blockchain, the identities of the people involved in the transactions are not necessarily tied to their real-world identities. This has led to some concerns about the use of Bitcoin for illegal activities, but it has also made it popular among those seeking privacy in their financial transactions.

Bitcoin transactions utilize a scripting language similar to Forth, a stack-based programming language, involving inputs and outputs. When a user sends bitcoins, they specify the recipient's address(es) and the amount for each output. This allows for the possibility of sending bitcoins to multiple recipients within a single transaction. To prevent double-spending, each input in the transaction must reference a previous unspent output in the blockchain, ensuring that bitcoins are not spent more than once.

The process of using multiple inputs in a transaction is akin to using multiple coins in a cash transaction. Just as the sum of coins in a cash transaction can exceed the exact payment amount, the sum of inputs in a Bitcoin transaction can also surpass the intended payment. In such cases, an additional output is included in the transaction to return the change to the payer.

Moreover, any unallocated input satoshis in the transaction are collected as transaction fees. These fees incentivize miners to include transactions in the blockchain and provide security to the network by verifying and confirming transactions.

From a technological perspective, Bitcoin transactions involve cryptographic principles to secure and validate transactions. Public-key cryptography is used to generate addresses and sign transactions, ensuring that only the rightful owner of bitcoins can spend them. Additionally, cryptographic hashing functions are employed to link blocks of transactions together, forming the immutable blockchain ledger.

Bitcoin's decentralized network of nodes collaborates to validate transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain. Miners, who contribute computing power to the network, compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles in a process known as mining. Successful miners are rewarded with newly created bitcoins and transaction fees for their efforts, further securing the network and incentivizing participation. is a website that was created by Roger Ver, an early investor and advocate for Bitcoin, also known as "Bitcoin Jesus." The website was launched in 2011 to provide information, news, and resources related to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Initially, served as a platform to educate people about the benefits of Bitcoin and promote its adoption.

Over time, expanded its services to include a cryptocurrency wallet, a cryptocurrency exchange, and various tools for buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrencies. The website also offers educational content, such as tutorials, guides, and articles, to help users learn more about Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

Bitcoin and the dark web

Bitcoin has been utilized as a means of payment on various darknet marketplaces, online platforms where illegal goods and services are bought and sold anonymously. The pseudonymous nature of Bitcoin transactions has made it attractive to individuals seeking to engage in illicit activities, as it provides a degree of privacy and anonymity.

Bitcoin's blockchain is a public ledger, meaning that all transactions are recorded and visible to anyone. While Bitcoin transactions themselves are pseudonymous, law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies have developed tools and techniques to track and trace illicit activity on the blockchain.

As a result, using Bitcoin for illegal purposes on the dark web does not guarantee anonymity or immunity from law enforcement scrutiny. Authorities have conducted various operations to disrupt illegal activities on darknet marketplaces and apprehend individuals involved in criminal behavior using cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin and Regulations 

The regulatory environment surrounding Bitcoin has evolved, with some countries implementing bans or strict regulations on its use, while others have embraced it with open arms. 

In 2013, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) issued a notice prohibiting financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions. However, this did not amount to an outright ban on Bitcoin ownership or trading by individuals. Over the years, China has implemented various restrictions on cryptocurrency activities, including banning initial coin offerings (ICOs) and shutting down cryptocurrency exchanges. Despite these measures, Bitcoin ownership and peer-to-peer trading continue to persist in China.

India has also taken a cautious approach to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a circular prohibiting regulated entities from providing services to individuals or businesses dealing with virtual currencies. This effectively led to the closure of cryptocurrency exchanges in India. However, in 2020, the Supreme Court of India overturned the RBI's ban, allowing cryptocurrency trading to resume in the country. Nevertheless, regulatory uncertainty still exists in India, with discussions ongoing about potential legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies.

Russia has considered various regulations regarding cryptocurrencies over the years. In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Finance proposed legislation that would ban the issuance and circulation of cryptocurrencies. However, these proposals have not been enacted into law, and Russia's approach to cryptocurrency regulation remains somewhat ambiguous. While using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment is prohibited by law, owning and trading cryptocurrencies is legal.

In February 2021, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued a circular instructing banks and financial institutions to close accounts of customers involved in cryptocurrency transactions. This move effectively restricted access to banking services for cryptocurrency users in Nigeria. 

As of April 22, 2024, the circulating supply of Bitcoin is 19.69M. 

Bitcoin Halving 

Bitcoin halving is an event that occurs approximately every four years, reducing the rate at which new bitcoins are created and introduced into circulation. During a halving event, the reward that miners receive for successfully mining a new block on the Bitcoin blockchain is cut in half. This mechanism is programmed into the Bitcoin protocol to control the inflation rate and ensure that the total supply of Bitcoins does not exceed 21 million.

The most recent Bitcoin halving occurred on April 19, 2024. Before this date, miners received a reward of 6.25 bitcoins for each block they mined. After the halving event, the reward was reduced to 3.125 bitcoins per block. This reduction in the mining reward has implications for the supply and demand dynamics of Bitcoin, as it decreases the rate at which new Bitcoins are introduced into the market.

Bitcoin Live Price Chart

At the end of October 2023, the Bitcoin price was at around $32950. Already at that point, the crypto market started to show signs of a possible recovery from the long crypto winter. In one month the value of the main cryptocurrency grew to around $37500. 

After this point the bullish tendencies accelerated and the value of BTC went up even more, reaching $44000 by December 5. For 5 days the price remained around the same level and then went for a market correction, dropping to $41229 on December 11. Till the end of the month, the Bitcoin price chart kept bouncing between $44100-$43700.

On January 1, 2024, the value of Bitcoin finally reached the milestone of $44170 and continued to move up, gaining even more value. The next day the price reached $44970 and then sustained at around $44500 during the next week. From January 8 the value of Bitcoin continued to grow, and by January 10 it reached $46670. It was followed by the price correction and during the next 2 weeks, the value of BTC kept declining. 

On January 22 when the value of BTC reached $39500, the trend flipped again and Bitcoin went up. It kept growing till the middle of February when to swap BTC traders paid around $52160. After a short decline to $50700, the BTC price chart continued going up.

In 4 days between February 24 and February 28, the value of the main cryptocurrency reached as high as $56700. It then continued going up for another 2 weeks, reaching the maximum on March 13 when traders had to pay $73135 to buy BTC.

During the next 10 days, the Bitcoin price chart was corrected, even though it still tried to keep the higher price. On March 23 to buy BTC users paid 63988. In the next 3 days, the value of BTC recovered, reaching $69980, and stayed around this level till the end of the month. 

In the first days of April, the value of BTC dropped to around $65400 but then recovered and went up to around $71600 by April 7. From that point, the value of Bitcoin went down again, and by April 17 to swap BTC traders paid only $61290. The trend flipped again recently and the value of BTC reached around $6600. 

As it doesn’t look like the bull rally is over for the crypto market the outlook for the Bitcoin future is quite optimistic with most of the experts expecting the value of the main cryptocurrency to show some more gains and maybe reach a new ATH shortly. 

Bitcoin Technical Analysis

Despite the fact that 100% accurate technical analysis for Bitcoin cryptocurrency is hardly possible, on this advanced technical analysis tool by TradingView you can see the real-time aggregated BTC buy-and-sell rating for selected timeframe. The summary for BTC/USD is based on the most popular technical indicators — Moving Averages, Oscillators and Pivots.

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Bitcoin Price Prediction

Below we have collected the most reliable price projections for Bitcoin (BTC) from popular forecast platforms.

Bitcoin Price Predictions Summary

Average Price
Avg. Price / Pot. ROI
Potential ROI

Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2024

As for Bitcoin price predictions for 2024, there are divergent opinions. expects an upturn towards $84276.07, and WalletInvestor echoes with ~$84475.45 by the year’s end. Other experts, for example, from TradingBeast, are more pessimistic about Bitcoin’s future price, citing numbers downwards of $32623 in December.
Potential ROI: -1% Sell

Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2025

In their Bitcoin price predictions for 2025, forecasts the coin’s price to go down to $38060.16 by December. Forecasting Bitcoin future, TradingBeast expects further decrease of its price, too, saying the Bitcoin price will reach ~$6116.812 by that time. On the contrary, WalletInvestor keeps predicting Bitcoin price growth, quoting prices around ~$91110.62 in 2025.
Potential ROI: -34% Sell

Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2026

Bitcoin price predictions for 2026 are still predominantly positive, with some analysts promising prices in the $70003.51–$96666.18 range (TradingBeast, WalletInvestor), while takes a different view and cites the possibility of the price reaching $6796.458 in December 2026.
Potential ROI: -15% Sell

Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2027

Both WalletInvestor and predict the Bitcoin market to grow in 2027, resulting in $102493 and $121656.6 by the end of the year respectively. Other Bitcoin price forecasts support the idea: TradingBeast forecasts Bitcoin to reach $115539.8 by December 2027.
Potential ROI: 67% Buy

Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2030

Speaking of long-term Bitcoin price predictions for 2030, experts present two polar opinions. TradingBeast expresses the view that Bitcoin price will grow further and eventually reach $127093.8 by the end of the decade. WalletInvestor’s price prediction for Bitcoin echoes with the projection of an uptrend to $190637. Despite this,’s vision remains not so positive, promising a downfall to $38060.16.
Potential ROI: 74% Buy


June Katz
June Katz is a writer who is really interested in finance, trading, blockchain, and tech. As a SwapSpace author, she enjoys making content about crypto and other related topics.


As it can be clear from the analysis cited above, Bitcoin (BTC) projections are rather contradictory. There is no universal consensus either about positive or negative future BTC price movements. Indeed, the future possible growth depends on various factors: announcements, new technological solutions of the Bitcoin projects, the crypto environment in general, legal position, and so on. We kindly remind you that before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is essential to do your own research (DYOR).
All you need for your research in one channel!
Disclaimer: This article should not be considered as offering trading recommendations. The cryptocurrency market suffers from high volatility and occasional arbitrary movements. Any investor should research multiple viewpoints and be familiar with all local regulations before committing to an investment.

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