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June Katz 27 Oct 2023 ◦ 2 min read

SwapSpace's Birthday Celebration: A Lottery for Our Customers with $1000 in Prizes!

SwapSpace's Birthday Celebration: A Lottery for Our Customers with $1000 in Prizes!

Hey guys, it’s SwapSpace’s birthday!

This year, we decided to celebrate by giving you a chance to win $1000 in prizes — up to $300 individually! To enter the lottery, during the period from August 5 to August 15 just rate the exchange service you’ve used to swap your coins on SwapSpace. We ask you to leave your rating at the end of the exchange process — or you can do it here.

On August 15, we will randomly choose a winner who will get $100 from us!

But that’s not all — some of our partners have chipped in to help us celebrate, so there are even more prizes for the participants who will rate those exchanges in particular. One of the winners of those bonus prizes may turn out to be the same person that wins the SwapSpace's prize — in that case, the amounts will add up!

  • One random person who rates Swapuz will get $200;
  • One random person who rates ChangeHero will also get $200;
  • One random person who rates QuickEx will get $200 too;
  • One random person who rates LetsExchange will get $100;
  • Two random people who rate Exolix will get $100 each.

We will send the prizes to the winners in the target currency of the swap that they rated to enter our raffle. 

Let's look at an example:

  • If you leave your rating after swapping BTC to ETH and win SwapSpace's main prize — we’ll send you $100 in ETH to the same address you used to receive ETH in your exchange;
  • If this rating was for, say, Swapuz, you may be randomly chosen by them in addition to us — in which case you will get $300 in ETH ($100 from SwapSpace and bonus $200 from the exchange parther);
  • And in this same example, even if you haven't won the main prize, you still have a chance to get that bonus from Swapuz ($200) if they randomly choose you as a winner.

The same principle applies to other exchanges listed above (and other currencies as well).

Good luck — and have some nice swaps!

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