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What Is the Kusama price prediction today
- In 2025, Kusama price is expected to reach $96.129, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $6.294 to $166.778, with WalletInvestor predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $166.778
- By 2030, KSM price can hit $96.129
Kusama fundamental analysis
Kusama is a scalable multi-chain network launched for radical innovations and early-stage Polkadot deployments. As stated on the official website, It offers “unprecedented interoperability and scalability” for blockchain developers who look for innovations and their own blockchain deployment.
The Kusama network was built with a special development kit called Substrate, which was developed by Parity Technologies — the same company that launched Polkadot. As their codebase is very similar, Kusama also calls itself “the cousin of Polkadot”, but defines itself as a canary network. It can be used by developers as a testnet before launching on Polkadot. Though many projects after all decided to stay on Kusama.
The platform was funded by grants from the Web3 Foundation which is interested in helping the projects that benefit the development of technologies in any way related to decentralized web software protocols. The Web 3 Foundation also helps Kusama with community development and research.
The advantages of the network include low barrier entry for deploying the parachains and low bond requirements for the validators. It’s mainly preferred by developers who love to experiment and start-ups.
Kusama is built on the multichain heterogeneously-sharded design. It uses a nominated Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism that allows upgrading the chain in no time without forking it. It uses the network of nominators (stakers of the KMS coin), who elect nodes to participate in the validations of the transactions. Moreover, all the messages can be passed between the parachains so they can work together.
Kusama offers a decentralized and permissionless on-chain governance, so every token holder is able to vote on possible governance proposals, for example, upcoming upgrades, requests, or changes in the protocol. The governance on Kusama is much faster than Polkadot offers, for instance, the voting and enactment period is only 15 days, which allows the projects on Kusama to develop much faster.
KSM is a native token of the Kusama blockchain that also provides governance rights. It has a total supply of 10 million coins, but its max amount is undefined. Each year the team plans to release 10% of the new tokens to cope with the inflation.
Kusama live price chart
By the end of May 2021, the KSM token was completing its bullish period affected by the tendencies of the whole crypto market. On May 19 the price collapsed from $592 to $345 and from there continued in the downtrend. At the beginning of June it made an attempt to recover but after a brief rise to the level of $480-$510 it dropped even deeper hitting $181 on June 22.
Till the beginning of August, the KMS coin price stayed at the bottom of the chart, bouncing between $236 and $148. But as the crypto market started to recover from the bears' domination, Kusama token price chart went up. On August 20 the asset was already trading for $345, and after a short correction went further to $402 and then $435 on September 12.
On September 21 the price dropped to $305 but then went for the recovery as the market of altcoins was booming. It reached the culmination of $509 on November 7 and from that time KSM price chart started to decline. It lasted till the end of February 2022, when the token price stabilized at around $110.
As the market was showing the signals of flipping from bearish to bullish, the KSM price also went up but couldn’t break the resistance at $200. Till the beginning of May, it was in a moderate downtrend but since May 7 the token started to lose in price drastically and by May 12 it was traded for $72.
Since the beginning of May, most of the assets in the crypto market were losing their gains. As the same goes for Kusama its price prediction was corrected and many analysts believe that the token price might fall even further. It might reach $30 by the end of May and finish the year trading around $20.
Kusama technical analysis
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Kusama price prediction
Kusama price predictions summary
Kusama price prediction for 2025
Kusama price prediction for 2026
Kusama price prediction for 2027
Kusama price prediction for 2028
Kusama price prediction for 2030
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