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What Is the Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction today
- In 2025, Firo (formerly Zcoin) price is expected to reach $3.017, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $0.9259060862764087 to $3.122, with WalletInvestor predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $3.122
- By 2030, FIRO price can hit $3.017
Firo (formerly Zcoin) fundamental analysis
Firo, previously known as Zcoin, is a coin on a blockchain protocol that provides unparalleled anonymity, privacy, and decentralization of payment. The new name and brand more accurately reflect the project’s proposal, namely a unique burn and redemption privacy mechanism that allows users to burn coins and then exchange them for new ones without previous transaction history. The result is high practical anonymity, similar to cash in a simple one-click interface. The project is based on zero-knowledge proof and the MTP algorithm. There will be a total supply of 21.4 million Firo. The coin follows the same halving cycle as Bitcoin which is every 4 years. The current block reward of 12.5 FIRO/block is divided between miners (50%, 6.25 FIRO), Masternodes (34%, 4.375 FIRO), and Development Fund (15%, 1.875 FIRO). The coin has an official wallet for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Firo is among the top-200 cryptocurrencies in the ranking. It's thoroughly explained on the website and the strong development team continues to work on improving its product by implementing the plans outlined in the roadmap. The transfer to the MTP algorithm has resulted in more efficient mining and faster transactions. In addition, due to increased protection against computing on ASICs, it is possible to create a decentralized distributed network. Firo is a promising project for lovers of anonymity. It still contains many interesting solutions for the future which can consolidate the coin at a higher level of the world cryptocurrency rating. It is worth noting that Firo is supported by a huge number of exchanges, including large ones like Binance, BitForex, Huobi, and HitBTC.
Firo (formerly Zcoin) live price chart
Firo (formerly Zcoin) technical analysis
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Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price predictions summary
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction for 2025
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction for 2026
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction for 2027
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction for 2028
Firo (formerly Zcoin) price prediction for 2030
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