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What Is the ARPA Chain price prediction today
- In 2025, ARPA Chain price is expected to reach $0.04838626514561834, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $0.00397 to $0.04270042088981223, with predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $0.04270042088981223
- By 2030, ARPA price can hit $0.04838626514561834
ARPA Chain fundamental analysis
Arpa Chain is a privacy-preserving computation network compatible with blockchains. It is a blockchain agnostic layer-2 solution that can be used widely. Arpa Cryptographically enables private smart contracts providing excellent data-at-use privacy protection and scalable computational sharding. Proxy smart contracts are used as a bridge to link the blockchain and the computational network.
Arpa Chain was founded in April 2018 with the goal to separate data utility from ownership and enable the renting of data. Arpa’s MPC protocol allows collaborative analyzing data and extracting data synergies for the multiple entities while protecting data security.
The developers can build dApps preserving privacy on compatible blockchains, for example, creating a credit anti-fraud, secure data wallets, and key management systems, or using it for AI model training. The main spheres of application are Fintech Insurance, digital advertising, personal data wallets, and Healthcare (for example, smart diagnosis systems). Arpa collaborates with numerous organizations and technology companies such as Chainlink, ISO,, Sinochem Group, CAICT, Elrond. Recently it also partnered with Travala to allow Arpa token holders to book travel products in over 230 countries.
Arpa is a utility Ethereum token powering the network and it’s used as a measure of payment for data, computation, model usage fee, a security deposit, and also for the governance of the project. The total supply of the tokens is 1.5 billion with 982 million being in the current circulation. Starting from August 2019, Arpa team buys 0.5% of the initial total supply each month and burns them.
ARPA Chain live price chart
At the beginning of the year, Arpa was traded for $0.023 and kept on this level till the end of January when it started to slightly increase its value. In the middle of February, Arpa Chain price experienced a bigger, but short-time, surge, reaching $0.047 on February 19, but then dropping down to $0.03 from where almost immediately it started to grow again.
The price was growing with the short periods of market correction till April 9 when it reached $0.132 and then started to decline. Arpa Chain price chart of that period shows that the price was bouncing but with mainly an upward trend.
At the end of May when the whole crypto market was in a temporary crisis, Arpa Chain also saw price lowering. Till the end of July, its value didn’t overreach the level of $0.029 - $0.035. From the beginning of September, the crypto market went bullish again and Arpa Chain’s price skyrocketed again, achieving its all-time high of $0.27 on November 3.
Overall Arpa Chain’s price across the year was mainly bullish and according to the price prediction, this dynamic most likely will continue the next year. Experts expect Arpa to reach $0.269 in one year period.
ARPA Chain technical analysis
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ARPA Chain price prediction
ARPA Chain price predictions summary
ARPA Chain price prediction for 2025
ARPA Chain price prediction for 2026
ARPA Chain price prediction for 2027
ARPA Chain price prediction for 2028
ARPA Chain price prediction for 2030
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