Exchange Litecoin
If you're looking to swap Litecoin, SwapSpace is your one-stop shop. We have some light reading for you — in case you'd like a refresher on what is Litecoin, or some fresh information about LTC’s price movements. And, of course, we provide you with multiple Litecoin exchange options so that you can choose the offer with the best rates and lowest Litecoin fees, as well as other parameters that suit you.
Litecoin price chart
Here you can see the current price of Litecoin, as well as Litecoin price history.
Litecoin price stats
To help you make a decision about exchanging your Litecoin, we gathered some cold hard numbers: Litecoin price chart and other stats, such as Litecoin market cap.
24H HIGH $101.90518426
MARKET CAP $7 662 323 076.815113
CIRCULATING SUPPLY 75 419 076.9834713 LTC
24H LOW $97.56937866
LTC PRICE $101.59661697
24H VOLUME $20 996 881.5035493
What is Litecoin?
Litecoin, often referred to by its ticker symbol LTC, is a prominent player in the crypto sphere. Launched on October 13, 2011, by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer, Litecoin set out to be the silver to Bitcoin's gold. Lee aimed to create a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin, focusing on improving transaction speed and efficiency while maintaining the core principles of decentralization and security.
Litecoin operates on a blockchain similar to Bitcoin's, utilizing a proof-of-work consensus mechanism. However, Litecoin boasts a shorter block generation time of approximately 2.5 minutes compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes. This shorter block time facilitates quicker transaction confirmations, making Litecoin ideal for everyday transactions.
Key Features and Use Cases
Litecoin shares many features with Bitcoin, including its scarcity and the ability to serve as a store of value and medium of exchange. However, Litecoin distinguishes itself with its faster transaction speed and lower transaction fees, making it well-suited for micropayments and everyday transactions.
The Litecoin network has seen significant adoption in various industries, including retail, gaming, and remittances. Merchants around the world accept LTC coin as a form of payment, further solidifying its position as a viable digital currency.
Security Maintenance, Upgrades, and Forks
Litecoin maintains its security through a combination of robust encryption algorithms and a decentralized network of miners. The network regularly undergoes upgrades and improvements to enhance security and performance.
One notable upgrade was the activation of Segregated Witness (SegWit) in May 2017. SegWit increased the block size limit and introduced other optimizations to improve scalability and transaction throughput.
Litecoin has also experienced several forks, resulting in the creation of new cryptocurrencies. Litecoin Cash (LCC) and Litecoin Cash Plus (LCP) are examples of forks that aimed to introduce changes to the Litecoin protocol.
Recent developments in the Litecoin ecosystem include:
- Mimblewimble Integration (February 2021): Litecoin announced plans to integrate Mimblewimble, a privacy protocol, to enhance fungibility and privacy features.
- Litecoin Core 0.18.1 Release (July 2021): The latest version of the Litecoin Core client introduced bug fixes and performance improvements.
- PayPal Support (October 2021): PayPal announced support for Litecoin, allowing users to buy, sell, and hold LTC directly within the platform.
- Litecoin Summit (November 2021): The Litecoin Summit brought together industry leaders and enthusiasts to discuss the latest developments and future prospects of Litecoin.
- LiteBringer Game Integration (December 2021): LiteBringer, a blockchain-based RPG game, integrated Litecoin as a payment option for in-game transactions.
Average Litecoin Network Fees
The average fee on the Litecoin Network typically ranges from $0.01 to $0.10 per transaction, depending on network congestion and transaction size. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, Litecoin offers competitive fees, making it an attractive option for users seeking cost-effective transactions.
LTC Token Wallets
For storing and managing LTC coin, users have various wallet options available, including:
- Litecoin Core Wallet: The official wallet developed by the Litecoin Foundation, offering robust security and full node functionality.
- Electrum-LTC: A lightweight and user-friendly wallet that provides fast synchronization and support for hardware wallets.
- Exodus: A multi-currency wallet with a sleek interface and built-in exchange features for easy swapping between cryptocurrencies.
- Ledger Nano S: A hardware wallet offering cold storage and enhanced security for storing LTC and other cryptocurrencies.
- Trust Wallet: A mobile wallet that supports LTC and a wide range of other digital assets, featuring a simple interface and decentralized exchange integration.
Ready to explore the world of Litecoin and experience seamless crypto exchanges? Visit SwapSpace, the ultimate platform for swapping LTC and other cryptocurrencies effortlessly. With SwapSpace, you can exchange LTC for your preferred digital assets quickly and securely, all without the hassle of complicated trading platforms. Start swapping Litecoin today and unlock a world of possibilities in the crypto space.
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A simple way to exchange Litecoin here at SwapSpace
Choose a pair
To help you make a decision about exchanging your LTC, we gathered some cold hard numbers: LTC price chart and other stats, such as LTC market cap.
Select the best rate
You choose the rate – we do the magic! Pick up the exchange service by the rate which meets your requirements. Make sure you are okay with the selected service network fee and privacy policy: some of them require you to pass the AML/KYC procedure.
Transfer funds
Send the exact amount to the address provided and receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes. Don’t have a wallet yet? Our support will recommend a good one!
Receive your coins
You’ll get your coins in a few minutes! The exact time is a subject of various parameters such as blockchain network workload, transaction volume, our partners’ processing speed, etc. Concerned about your transaction? Check the swap tracker or feel free to contact the support:
Frequently asked questions
How to buy Litecoin Binance Smart Chain?
Will Litecoin Binance Smart Chain go up?
How to buy Litecoin?
Will Litecoin go up?
Is Litecoin a good investment?
Popular exchange pairs with Litecoin
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