Exchange PancakeSwap
If you're looking to swap PancakeSwap, SwapSpace is your one-stop shop. We have some light reading for you — in case you'd like a refresher on what is PancakeSwap, or some fresh information about CAKE’s price movements. And, of course, we provide you with multiple PancakeSwap exchange options so that you can choose the offer with the best rates and lowest PancakeSwap fees, as well as other parameters that suit you.
PancakeSwap price chart
Here you can see the current price of PancakeSwap, as well as PancakeSwap price history.
PancakeSwap price stats
To help you make a decision about exchanging your PancakeSwap, we gathered some cold hard numbers: PancakeSwap price chart and other stats, such as PancakeSwap market cap.
24H HIGH $2.34397263
MARKET CAP $879 462 662.5626385
CIRCULATING SUPPLY 380 226 220.74188155 CAKE
24H LOW $2.28128606
CAKE PRICE $2.31299846
24H VOLUME $9 510 568.840328226
What is PancakeSwap?
PancakeSwap is a popular decentralized open-source platform for crypto trading with the biggest ever number of users, that have entrusted it with over $12 billion in funds. The platform allows trading any assets on Binance Smart Chain right after connecting the wallet. It was launched in September 2020 by the anonymous team. In less than a year it became the dominant DEX on Binance Smart Chain.
PancakeSwap is also an automated market maker and a decentralized finance application providing liquidity via farming and earning fees in return. As an automated market maker PancakeSwap doesn’t have order books, bid system, limit, and market orders. Users trade against the liquidity pool. The users deposit their funds, thus filling the liquidity pool and receiving the liquidity provider tokens as a reward. On the farm, users can deposit LP tokens and receive rewards in CAKE.
The platform offers a wide variety of features and can be considered a complete DeFi ecosystem. It can be accessed through one of the supported Web3 wallets, for example, Wallet Connect or TrustWallet.
PancakeSwap is funded by the Treasury wallet, where 15% of all the generated fees is allocated. According to the official documents, the funds can be used for any purposes related to the project development and the maintenance of the platform.
The platform is powered by the native utility token — CAKE. It is a BEP-20 token and was initially launched on Binance Smart Chain. CAKE is used across the ecosystem for yield farming, staking, platform governance through its own governance portal, and participation in the PancakeSwap lottery.
The supply of CAKE tokens is not hard-capped and theoretically is unlimited. The team plans to burn the tokens regularly to make deflation higher than emission. The coin is avialable on the major centralized and decentralized exchanges.
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A simple way to exchange PancakeSwap here at SwapSpace
Choose a pair
To help you make a decision about exchanging your CAKE, we gathered some cold hard numbers: CAKE price chart and other stats, such as CAKE market cap.
Select the best rate
You choose the rate – we do the magic! Pick up the exchange service by the rate which meets your requirements. Make sure you are okay with the selected service network fee and privacy policy: some of them require you to pass the AML/KYC procedure.
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Receive your coins
You’ll get your coins in a few minutes! The exact time is a subject of various parameters such as blockchain network workload, transaction volume, our partners’ processing speed, etc. Concerned about your transaction? Check the swap tracker or feel free to contact the support:
Frequently asked questions
How to buy PancakeSwap?
Will PancakeSwap go up?
Is PancakeSwap a good investment?
Popular exchange pairs with PancakeSwap
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