Swap your MDT and USDT with the best rates here on SwapSpace
The MDT to USDT fluctuations over this period illustrate the influence of broader market forces on asset prices. With ongoing market instability, analysts anticipate that MDT may continue to experience price volatility.
MDT / USDT live price chart
Both MDT price and USDT price are quite volatile. You can see the history of price changes in the cryptocurrency price chart below to help you make the best decision while considering exchanging your crypto.
The exchange rate between MetaDeFi Token (MDT) and Tether (USDT) exhibited various shifts from May to September 2024, reflecting responses to market conditions and asset behaviors. Let's have a closer look at several prominent price changes:
- May 16, 2024: The MDT to USDT rate opened at 0.0580.
- May 22: The rate decreased to 0.0520 due to a stable USDT performance compared to MDT.
- May 23: It further declined to 0.0516.
- May 31: The rate recovered slightly to 0.0521.
- June 1: MDT saw a small increase, reaching 0.0529 and continued its upward trend.
- June 10: MDT rose to 0.05372.
- June 30: After entering a bullish phase, MDT peaked at 0.05667 before a correction to 0.0530 on July 1.
- July 20: USDT’s larger decline led the MDT to USDT rate to 0.0570; however, MDT began a downturn shortly afterward.
- August 1: MDT dropped significantly, reaching 0.0450.
- September 11: MDT fell further, stabilizing briefly around 0.0400.
- September 19: MDT experienced a minor uptick to 0.0415, then returned to 0.0400 on September 22.
The MDT to USDT fluctuations over this period illustrate the influence of broader market forces on asset prices. With ongoing market instability, analysts anticipate that MDT may continue to experience price volatility.
How to exchange MDT and USDT on SwapSpace
On this page, we already put MDT in the “You send” and USDT in the “You get” section in the exchange window below — so you should just enter the amount you want to exchange. Next, press the ”View offers” button and select the exchange service that you like the most. Choose either fixed or floating exchange rate, as we at SwapSpace provide you with options for either of them!

Fill in the “Provide the recipient address” field with the destination USDT address and provide the refund address for your MDT if you want. If your preferred wallet is Trezor, you can press the button to connect a wallet and simplify the exchange process (more on that — in our FAQ). Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button.

Using the wallet of your choice, send your MDT to the address you see on the screen. You can use the QR code to speed up the process. You can also press the “Connect Wallet” button, which will give you options to connect your Metamask wallet, Trezor, or use WalletConnect (more on using those options — in our FAQ). As soon as our partner gets your MDT, the exchange will continue.

At this stage, you need just to wait until you get your coins in the wallet. Check the Swap Tracker if you want to know the exchange status, and feel free to contact the support if it seems like something is going wrong. That’s it!