Swap your BNB and ETH with the best rates here on SwapSpace
Since the beginning of June 2024, BNB price started to recover and got back to 0.18. After going a little bit higher over the next few days to 0.186, the BNB to ETH value plunged to 0.17 on June 11, 2024. Since then the BNB price fluctuated around this level and stayed at 0.168 on June 23, 2024.
BNB / ETH live price chart
Both BNB price and ETH price are quite volatile. You can see the history of price changes in the cryptocurrency price chart below to help you make the best decision while considering exchanging your crypto.
On March 7, 2024, the conversion rate stood at approximately 0.1227 BNB for 1 ETH. As the market unfolded, the conversion rate underwent several shifts, a characteristic feature of the cryptocurrency landscape.
In early April, the conversion rate witnessed a slight downturn, with BNB being exchanged at approximately 0.1203 BNB for 1 ETH. However, this dip was short-lived, and by April 15, the rate had rebounded, reaching around 0.1251 BNB for 1 ETH, signifying an upward momentum and increased demand for BNB relative to ETH. The positive trend continued through the end of April, with the conversion rate reaching approximately 0.1312 BNB for 1 ETH, showcasing the favorable performance of BNB during that period.
May brought new dynamics, with increased market activity and the BNB to ETH conversion rate climbing to approximately 0.1389 BNB for 1 ETH by May 6. This upward trend extended, and by May 18, the rate reached approximately 0.1437 BNB for 1 ETH, reflecting the growing prominence of BNB in the cryptocurrency space. However, the latter part of May saw a minor correction, with the conversion rate dipping to approximately 0.1392 BNB for 1 ETH by May 22.
As the crypto market displayed volatility, the BNB to ETH exchange ratio started to recover, reaching 0.1900 by June 10, 2024. This upward momentum continued, and by the end of June 2024, the conversion rate had climbed to 0.2100. BNB displayed strength, and its performance positively impacted the conversion rate during this period.
The peak during this timeframe was observed on July 15, 2024, with the BNB to ETH conversion rate reaching 0.2250. However, this bullish phase was followed by a market correction, bringing the conversion rate down to 0.2050 by July 30, 2024.
The cryptocurrency market remained dynamic, and the BNB to ETH conversion rate continued to fluctuate. As of August 22, 2024, the conversion rate was recorded at 0.2223, showcasing BNB's consistent performance.
On September 3, 2024, the conversion rate stabilized at 0.2132, reflecting the resilience and market acceptance of both BNB and ETH, albeit with minor fluctuations.
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