Swap Tracker
June Katz 27 Oct 2023 ◦ 2 min read

SwapSpace Is Happy to Announce New Design!

SwapSpace Is Happy to Announce New Design!

Hello, dear SwapSpace users! Some of you might have already noticed some changes to our website, but in case you haven't: we are proud to introduce our new design, which went live last week. Take a look at the most important changes:

  • The new main page became a lot more minimalistic. You don’t have to scroll through so much information anymore — everything you need is right there!
  • The exchange flow is now improved — as you create an exchange and go through the steps, you will notice that the process became smoother and simpler, while presenting information in a well-structured way to help you make a choice.
  • The tutorial on the “How It Works” page looks, reads, and feels more up-to-date now.
  • Our “About” page is sporting an updated look too — both the content and the visuals have been rehauled to make your browsing experience more enjoyable.

We are continually working to improve your experience on SwapSpace — so, while those are the latest changes, they are certainly not the last. We hope you'll keep having a great time with us!

Best wishes,

SwapSpace team

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