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What Is the dYdX price prediction today
- In 2025, dYdX price is expected to reach $1.1370396265817175, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $0.010377742623563243 to $0.8272113685449003, with predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $0.8272113685449003
- By 2030, DYDX price can hit $1.1370396265817175
dYdX fundamental analysis
DYDX is a governance token of the dYdX community that allows users to govern the dYdX Layer 2 Protocol, to mine the rewards and participate in the staking pools, as well as receive trading discounts on its exchange. The token helps to maintain the communication between traders, liquidity providers, and partners.
The main goal of the project is to build the fastest, cheapest, and most powerful decentralized exchange. dYdX platform has already over 60 000 unique users and has a value of around $11 billion in perpetuals and margins and more than $25 billion in flash transactions from dYdX Liquidity Pools.
The total supply of dYdX is 1 billion tokens that are to be distributed in a period of 5 years. Out of this amount, 27.7% of the coins will go to the previously active investors. 15.27% tokens will be used to pay the official team members, including the founders, developers, advisers, etc. And 50% of all the tokens are reserved for the community members including liquidity providers, traders, stakeholders, and the users who achieved some milestones.
The project recently partnered with StarkWare which applies its Layer 2 scalability engine for improving the non-custodial trading on dYdX exchange. For instance, the gas prices will be cut to zero, the minimum trade amount will be reduced to as low as possible and the fees will become much lower. Layer 2 scaling solutions in the form of Roll-Ups are made to offload the execution and thus free up an Ethereum layer.
Another advantage of Layer 2 is fast withdrawals, so users don’t need to wait to get their funds. And at the same time, the update improved security and privacy by implementing zero-knowledge rollups. To start trading on the platform one only needs the deposit of $10.
dYdX live price chart
Since the dYdX token was deployed at the beginning of September, the chart data is only available for this short period of time. According to the graph, the token’s price was growing ever after the launch, showing a 73% price increase in September. The initial price of $12 by the moment of publishing increased up to $19.9 per token. An all-time-high of $29.73 was registered on September 30 and after that price went through the correction.
As the project seems to be prosperous due to its concept and technology the analysts expect its price to continue growing up to $75 per token by the end of 2021.
dYdX technical analysis
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dYdX price prediction
dYdX price predictions summary
dYdX price prediction for 2025
dYdX price prediction for 2026
dYdX price prediction for 2027
dYdX price prediction for 2028
dYdX price prediction for 2030
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