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Exchange Casper (CSPR)

If you're looking to swap Casper, SwapSpace is your one-stop shop. We have some light reading for you — in case you'd like a refresher on what is Casper, or some fresh information about CSPR’s price movements. And, of course, we provide you with multiple Casper exchange options so that you can choose the offer with the best rates and lowest Casper fees, as well as other parameters that suit you.


Casper Price Stats

To help you make a decision about exchanging your Casper, we gathered some cold hard numbers: Casper price chart and other stats, such as Casper market cap.


CSPR 24H HIGH $0.02141236529872


CSPR MARKET CAP $272,813,185.661




CSPR 24H LOW $0.02053798881911


CSPR PRICE $0.02133990320419


CSPR 24H VOLUME $1,308,103.276

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Casper Price Chart

Here you can see the current price of Casper, as well as Casper price history.

What is Casper?

Casper implements a PoS consensus mechanism, where validators are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral. This contrasts with traditional Proof of Work (PoW) mechanisms, which require computational power to validate transactions.

The Casper Network was founded by a team of developers and researchers at the Ethereum Foundation. The primary figures behind the development of Casper include Vlad Zamfir, an Ethereum researcher known for his work on consensus algorithms, and Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum.

The development of the Casper Network can be traced back to discussions within the Ethereum community regarding the scalability and security challenges faced by the platform. As Ethereum gained popularity and usage, it became apparent that the existing Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism was not sustainable in the long term due to its limitations in scalability and energy consumption.

Vitalik Buterin and Vlad Zamfir, along with other researchers and developers, began exploring alternative consensus mechanisms that could address these challenges. This led to the development of the Casper protocol, which introduced a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism as a potential solution.

The Casper protocol was first proposed by Vlad Zamfir in 2015, and since then, it has undergone several iterations and improvements through collaborative efforts within the Ethereum community. The goal of Casper was to provide a more scalable, secure, and environmentally friendly consensus mechanism compared to PoW while maintaining decentralization and censorship resistance.

The Casper CBC protocol is designed to provide consensus in a decentralized network while prioritizing safety and liveness properties. It utilizes a multi-round process where validators propose and vote on blocks, ultimately reaching a consensus on the state of the network.

One of the primary goals of the Casper Network is to improve scalability compared to existing blockchain platforms. By utilizing a PoS consensus mechanism and implementing optimizations in the protocol, Casper aims to achieve higher transaction throughput and lower latency.

Casper prioritizes security through its consensus mechanism and protocol design. By requiring validators to stake cryptocurrency as collateral, the network incentivizes honest behavior and penalizes malicious actors attempting to attack the network. Additionally, the Casper CBC protocol is designed to provide strong safety guarantees, reducing the risk of forks or consensus failures.

Similar to Ethereum, the Casper network supports smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with predefined conditions written in code. Developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) on the Casper network using smart contracts to automate various processes and transactions.

While Casper is a separate blockchain network, it is designed to be compatible with Ethereum. This means that developers can port existing Ethereum smart contracts and dApps to the Casper Network with minimal modifications, leveraging the scalability and security benefits provided by the Casper protocol.

CasperLabs aims to offer top-tier services and assistance to enterprises developing on the Casper Network, akin to Red Hat's support for projects within the Linux ecosystem. Leveraging their team's extensive background in managing services at renowned enterprise software firms such as Adobe, Avalara, and Google, CasperLabs is well-positioned to position Casper as the leading blockchain choice for the increasing number of enterprises venturing into Web3 environments. These organizations seek heightened levels of support, a need that often exceeds what open-source and decentralized projects can provide.

The success of the Casper network relies heavily on the strength and engagement of its community and ecosystem. This includes developers building applications on the network, validators securing the network, token holders participating in governance, and users utilizing the network for various purposes.

The Casper Network is governed by a decentralized community of validators and stakeholders. Decisions regarding protocol upgrades, network parameters, and governance issues are made through a consensus process involving validators and token holders.

Casper aims to support interoperability with other blockchain networks, allowing for seamless interaction between different decentralized applications and ecosystems. This interoperability can facilitate the exchange of assets, data, and services across multiple blockchain platforms.

Several companies have chosen to build on the Casper network, reflecting its growing popularity and potential. Here are a few examples:

  • Metis: Metis is an L2 project focused on creating Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DACs). Faced with the high fees of Ethereum, Metis has opted to transition to Casper for its operations.
  • IPwe: IPwe aims to establish a global patent management and licensing database. By leveraging Casper, IPwe plans to implement patent encryption to safeguard the privacy of patent information, ensuring that only verified entities can access it. With the database operational on Casper, patents can be traced worldwide, and royalties can be automatically allocated to the relevant parties.
  • ACDX: ACDX is a cryptocurrency exchange specializing in structured products and derivative trading.

The CSPR token has a total supply of 12,464,484,568 CSPR, and as of March 20, 2024, the circulating supply is 11,874,757,240 CSPR. 

The initial distribution of CSPR is detailed as follows:

  • 400 million CSPR released from the freely traded tranche of Casper's Public Sale on Coinlist.
  • Approximately 183 million CSPR was provided as liquidity to exchanges.
  • This includes the portion of seigniorage estimated to be allocated to the released tokens mentioned above. This figure is continuously updated in real-time as seigniorage is issued.

Traders can buy Casper (CSPR) tokens on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, Gate.io, KuCoin, CoinEx, Bitfinex, etc. 

The Average Fees on the Casper Network 

The specific average fees on the Casper network would depend on factors such as the current gas price (transaction fee), the complexity of the transaction, and the network's overall usage at any given time.

Currently, the network charges a fee of 2.5 CSPR per transaction for delegation and similar transactions.

The CSPR Token Wallets 

The CSPR token can be held in various popular crypto wallets, including CasperLabs' official desktop wallet, Trust Wallet, MetaMask, Coinbase, Ledger, Trezor, Guarda Wallet, Atomic Wallet, Coinomi, etc. 

A Simple Way To Exchange Casper Here At SwapSpace

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How to buy Casper?

Will Casper go up?

Is Casper a good investment?