Swap your MANA and ADA with the best rates here on SwapSpace
If you’re looking to exchange MANA to ADA coins, you came to the right place! Our mission here at SwapSpace is to provide you with a number of exchange options from our partners, so that you can compare the offers and choose the best crypto exchange for you needs. On this page, you can read more about your coins, look at MANA/ADA crypto price dynamics, try our cryptocurrency exchange pairs, and exchange your crypto now — no need to even leave this page!
MANA / ADA live price chart
Despite the fact that MANA and ADA are such an exotic exchange pair that there’s no price chart for this pair to pull up — you can still easily swap MANA to ADA at SwapSpace.
At the start of November 2022, the price of MANA was 1.33 ADA, while ADA was trading at 0.48 MANA. Over the course of the next two months, the price of MANA rose to 1.74 ADA. This meant that the value of MANA increased by roughly 30%, while the value of ADA increased by roughly 39%.
On November 1st, 2022, the MANA to ADA price was 0.71, representing a 0.11% increase over the previous day. This was followed by a 6.42% jump to $0.75 on November 2nd.
After a brief rally of 6.52% on November 7th to 0.78, the MANA to ADA price began to decline, ending the month at 0.74. December 2022 was a month of erratic price movement, with the MANA to ADA rate ranging from 0.71 to 0.89.
In December 2022, the price of MANA remained fairly stable, while ADA started to increase, which led to it reaching a peak of 0.86 MANA in early January 2023. This marked an increase of nearly 80% from its price at the beginning of November 2022.
As the month of January came to an end, the price of MANA and ADA both started to decline. By the end of February 2023, the price of MANA had dropped back to 1.44 ADA, a decrease of roughly 15%. The MANA to ADA conversion rate then began to decline, ending February 2023 at 0.97. This represented a 10.81% decrease compared to the beginning of the month.
While MANA and ADA both experienced significant price increases in January 2023, they both experienced a significant correction by the end of February. The MANA to ADA exchange ratio from the beginning of November 2022 till the end of February 2023 saw a gradual increase, followed by a sharp decline in the last month. This pattern reflects the overall trends in the cryptocurrency market during this period.
How to exchange MANA and ADA on SwapSpace
On this page, we already put MANA in the “You send” and ADA in the “You get” section in the exchange window below — so you should just enter the amount you want to exchange. Next, press the ”View offers” button and select the exchange service that you like the most. Choose either fixed or floating exchange rate, as we at SwapSpace provide you with options for either of them!

Fill in the “Provide the recipient address” field with the destination ADA address and provide the refund address for your MANA if you want. If your preferred wallet is Trezor, you can press the button to connect a wallet and simplify the exchange process (more on that — in our FAQ). Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button.

Using the wallet of your choice, send your MANA to the address you see on the screen. You can use the QR code to speed up the process. You can also press the “Connect Wallet” button, which will give you options to connect your Metamask wallet, Trezor, or use WalletConnect (more on using those options — in our FAQ). As soon as our partner gets your MANA, the exchange will continue.

At this stage, you need just to wait until you get your coins in the wallet. Check the Swap Tracker if you want to know the exchange status, and feel free to contact the support if it seems like something is going wrong. That’s it!