Swap your APE and USDT with the best rates here on SwapSpace
As of June 10, 2024, the APE to USDT exchange ratio was at 1.9783, reflecting the project's steady growth and its potential to contribute to the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.
APE / USDT live price chart
Both APE price and USDT price are quite volatile. You can see the history of price changes in the cryptocurrency price chart below to help you make the best decision while considering exchanging your crypto.
In early December 2023, the cryptocurrency market witnessed the APE to USDT price chart commencing at 1.5145. APE, a digital asset, was gaining traction. Stepping into mid-December, the APE to USDT price chart exhibited consistent growth, reaching 1.642 by December 17. This upward trajectory continued through late December, largely influenced by positive market sentiments and increased adoption of the APE token. By the end of 2023, the APE to USDT conversion rate had climbed to 1.7935.
As 2024 dawned, the APE to USDT conversion rate maintained its upward momentum, hitting 1.9122 by January 5. The cryptocurrency market, at this point, was marked by heightened volatility and increased interest in alternative coins, both contributing to the positive movement of APE. However, as Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, began to rally in mid-January, the APE to USDT price chart experienced a slight dip, settling at 1.8397 on January 18. Despite this, the broader trend remained optimistic for APE.
In the following months, the APE to USDT price chart continued its upward trajectory, albeit with some fluctuations. Investors' growing interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and the APE platform's advancements played a significant role in the sustained rise. By March 15, the APE to USDT exchange ratio had surged to 2.0121, outperforming many other tokens in the market.
Over the next few months, the APE to USDT exchange ratio underwent further shifts due to market dynamics, investor sentiments, and advancements in the APE ecosystem. It reached a peak of 2.1579 on April 2, showcasing the token's resilience and potential. However, in the subsequent weeks, APE faced some corrections, and the APE to USDT exchange ratio settled at 2.0446 on April 18. Despite these variations, the APE project remained committed to its goals and continued to garner support from the community. As of June 10, 2024, the APE to USDT exchange ratio was at 1.9783, reflecting the project's steady growth and its potential to contribute to the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.
How to exchange APE and USDT on SwapSpace
On this page, we already put APE in the “You send” and USDT in the “You get” section in the exchange window below — so you should just enter the amount you want to exchange. Next, press the ”View offers” button and select the exchange service that you like the most. Choose either fixed or floating exchange rate, as we at SwapSpace provide you with options for either of them!

Fill in the “Provide the recipient address” field with the destination USDT address and provide the refund address for your APE if you want. If your preferred wallet is Trezor, you can press the button to connect a wallet and simplify the exchange process (more on that — in our FAQ). Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button.

Using the wallet of your choice, send your APE to the address you see on the screen. You can use the QR code to speed up the process. You can also press the “Connect Wallet” button, which will give you options to connect your Metamask wallet, Trezor, or use WalletConnect (more on using those options — in our FAQ). As soon as our partner gets your APE, the exchange will continue.

At this stage, you need just to wait until you get your coins in the wallet. Check the Swap Tracker if you want to know the exchange status, and feel free to contact the support if it seems like something is going wrong. That’s it!