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What Is the eCash price prediction today
- In 2025, eCash price is expected to reach $0.00004060913747804625, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $0.00002368758131114691 to $0.000050225724079419213, with predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $0.000050225724079419213
- By 2030, XEC price can hit $0.00004060913747804625
eCash fundamental analysis
ECash (XEC) is a cryptocurrency on the Bitcoin Cash ABC network — a result of a hard fork of Bitcoin Cash that occurred in 2020. The coin was initially called Bitcoin Cash ABC too (BCHA), but was redenominated 1:100000 and rebranded to eCash in July 2021.
The history of the Bitcoin Cash ABC network is controversial. A few years before BCHA forked off BCH, BCH itself split away from Bitcoin Core, or just Bitcoin. This was caused by disagreements among the team and the community about the scalability of Bitcoin with its block size cap of 1 MB and usefulness as a payment method. As a result, Bitcoin Cash was made, with larger block size, therefore supporting higher transaction throughput.
Bitcoin Cash ABC was split off later because its core developer group was in favor of imposing “miner tax”. 8% of each block’s coinbase (newly mined coins which normally go to the successful miner as a block reward) would be sent to the address belonging to the developers as an incentive to work on the protocol. This idea was not received well by the community, and BCHA forked off BCH with almost no hashpower.
After rebranding to eCash, the network also made plans to integrate the Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol to help speed up the transactions. Experts also note that there is a focus on EVM compatibility, which may mean plans for interoperability with Ethereum-based projects.
eCash live price chart
ECash started slow, trading at around $0.00002 for the better part of July 2021. Later XEC price started going up and climbed throughout August towards $0.00006–$0.00008. In September, XEC experienced a price surge, reaching a high of almost $0.0004 on September 4. Although after this XEC went through a slight price correction, it’s been trading in the ~$0.0002–$0.0003 zone, which is still very good for this coin. This makes eCash price predictions very hopeful.
eCash technical analysis
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eCash price prediction
eCash price predictions summary
eCash price prediction for 2025
eCash price prediction for 2026
eCash price prediction for 2027
eCash price prediction for 2028
eCash price prediction for 2030
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