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What Is the Livepeer price prediction today
- In 2025, Livepeer price is expected to reach $13.047956131011855, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $0.2703469963392705 to $4.632737429576477, with TradingBeast predicting Livepeer hitting a low at $0.2703469963392705
- By 2030, LPT price can hit $13.047956131011855
Livepeer fundamental analysis
Livepeer token (LPT) is an ERC-20 token used by the Livepeer protocol – a network for decentralized video streaming built on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to improve video quality and make streaming services more available to developers.
Live streaming takes up a huge chunk of the Internet’s bandwidth. The streaming videos have to be transcoded – to optimize them for different devices and internet capabilities. This process, however, is very expensive, which makes it inaccessible for small video-focused startups. Livepeer solves this issue by providing developers with a platform they can use to add streaming capabilities to their projects. This platform’s underlying infrastructure is p2p, which helps lower the costs while simultaneously increasing streaming reliability.
Some nodes participate in the transcoding process by contributing some of their computing resources to the network, called orchestrators. The right to become an orchestrator is granted by holding Livepeer tokens. Another type of node, called Delegator, stakes its tokens toward an orchestrator but doesn’t do the work itself. Both orchestrators and Delegators get rewards for their participation. Developers and end-users, for their part, utilize their tokens as a means of payment for the network’s services. Any token holder can also participate in the voting process.
Livepeer live price chart
Soon after the trading started in 2019, Livepeer token price rose to $7–$8 and stayed at that level until autumn the same year. Then it went down to $2–$3, and until the end of 2020, the Livepeer price chart was uneventful. The price first started its rise towards the previous level in January 2021 after the announcement of Grayscale investments’ support for the project, further fueled by its confirmation in March; by early April, Livepeer had broken the $40 barrier. Some high-profile listings certainly helped, sending the price to an all-time high of $45.22 on May 11. However, Livepeer turned out to be one of the projects that were hit the most by Bitcoin’s tumble: later in May, its price fell dramatically, reaching $10.95 at one point. Livepeer was able to rally, although not to the previous highs: by early July, it was trading at around the $17 mark.
Livepeer technical analysis
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Livepeer price prediction
Livepeer price predictions summary
Livepeer price prediction for 2025
Livepeer price prediction for 2026
Livepeer price prediction for 2027
Livepeer price prediction for 2028
Livepeer price prediction for 2030
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