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What Is the Hoge Finance (ERC20) price prediction today
- In 2025, Hoge Finance (ERC20) price is expected to reach $0.000011899788036475737, according to some experts
- 2026 promises to be turbulent, with prices ranging from $5.89e-7 to $0.000017154146291224864, with TradingBeast predicting a breakthrough leading to a price rise to $0.000017154146291224864
- By 2030, HOGE price can hit $0.000011899788036475737
Hoge Finance (ERC20) fundamental analysis
HOGE is an ERC-20 Ethereum-based token fair launched as a “DOGE but DeFi” meme currency on February 7, 2021. 1 trillion coins, which is the max supply, were minted with half of it burned at launch. HOGE is a deflationary asset, which means that its circulating supply is constantly decreasing. To achieve this, HOGE founders introduced a 2% tax on every transaction, which is split between the burn address and all the HOGE holders. The founders describe this token redistribution process as autostaking – to get rewards, the holders don’t have to do anything except have HOGE in their wallets. Burning the tokens increases the remaining supply’s value, while autostaking motivates HOGE holders to use it often, since every transaction benefits everyone.
As many other meme tokens, HOGE is being driven by active community participation like meme making, public discussions, art creation, etc. HOGE supports and encourages this in various ways like developing the NFT Platform, opening the Gaming Lab for public game creation, launching eSports community, with the plans to expand the ecosystem even further.
Since its launch, HOGE has gotten a copycat, which raises an interesting point about crypto projects: because developing your own project is so easy and this market is not regulated, we might see more of these parasitic tokens. Notice that the real HOGE lives on Ethereum, not Binance Smart Chain.
Hoge Finance (ERC20) live price chart
HOGE’s launch went largely unnoticed at around $0.000001, from where it was climbing for the first month until the first week of March 2021. At that point it began experiencing a surge which lasted for the next couple of weeks (with some corrections), reaching ~$0.0009 on March 15. Later the prices declined again, although they never reached February levels, trading mostly at about $0.0001 - $0.0002. In large part because of the asset’s deflationary nature, the long-term predictions are bullish, forecasting prices in the $0.001 – $0.003 range for the next year.
Hoge Finance (ERC20) technical analysis
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Hoge Finance (ERC20) price prediction
Hoge Finance (ERC20) price predictions summary
Hoge Finance price prediction for 2025
Hoge Finance price prediction for 2026
Hoge Finance price prediction for 2027
Hoge Finance price prediction for 2028
Hoge Finance price prediction for 2030
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