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Established in 2021
LetsExchange is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications, supporting more than 2200 coins and tokens. With hassle-free access and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves your time at each step of the exchange process to help you get the most out of every swap.
LetsExchange Features:
- For every swap (and this is especially important for large sums), LetsExchange instantly selects the most profitable rate across multiple major exchange platforms using its SmartRate technology
- There are no upper limits on LetsExchange. Users can move as much crypto as they want without signing up and going through KYC/AML checks — an automated system takes care of KYC/AML checks
- As a non-custodial service, LetsExchange doesn’t store users’ funds and personal data
- All coins are validated. All data is encrypted. The website has an SSL certificate and DDoS protection
With all these features, LetsExchange provides anonymous, secure, fast, and hassle-free cryptocurrency swaps for the global crypto community.
Established in 2021