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You can buy XLM for USD and other fiat currencies here at SwapSpace! We provide an easy way to do that via one of our partners, such as Mercuryo, Guardarian, or Simplex, with a few simple steps right on this page. You can also look at Stellar price dynamics and history, get some answers to your questions, and find some useful links to read more about what is XLM.


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Stellar Live Price Chart

XLM price can be volatile. You can see the history of price changes in the cryptocurrency price chart below to help you make the best decision while considering buying crypto.

As you can see, the current Stellar price is 0.102731077971807. In any case, whether you want to buy the dip or just want to buy XLM for your personal needs - we got you!

What is Stellar Crypto?

Stellar is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform designed to facilitate the transfer of digital currencies and assets. Originally launched in 2014, it was created by Jed McCaleb, co-founder of Ripple, to enable low-cost, cross-border transactions.

The platform utilizes its unique consensus algorithm known as the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) to validate transactions and maintain the network's integrity. SCP is designed to be highly efficient, scalable, and decentralized. It allows for fast transaction processing and ensures the security and integrity of the Stellar network.

Stellar has a vibrant and active community of developers, contributors, and users who collaborate to build and enhance the ecosystem. The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) provides support, resources, and funding for ecosystem development initiatives, including grants, partnerships, and educational programs.

In 2015, the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) introduced the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). SCP replaced the previous consensus mechanism used by Stellar and provided a more efficient, scalable, and decentralized approach to reaching an agreement on the state of the network.

In 2015, Stellar underwent a rebranding effort, transitioning from its original name "Stellar.org" to simply "Stellar." This change aimed to reflect the project's broader vision and goals beyond its initial focus on nonprofit activities.

One of the key features of Stellar is its focus on inclusivity and accessibility. It aims to provide financial services to people who may not have access to traditional banking systems, particularly in developing regions. Stellar's network enables users to create, send, and trade various types of assets, including fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and other digital tokens.

Stellar supports a limited form of smart contracts known as "smart asset" capabilities. While not as flexible as smart contracts on platforms like Ethereum, Stellar's smart asset features enable the implementation of programmable logic for managing asset behavior, such as compliance requirements, regulatory constraints, and automated transactions.

Stellar aims to achieve decentralization by allowing anyone to run a Stellar node and participate in the network's consensus process. Nodes on the network validate and agree on transactions through the SCP. Validators play a crucial role in maintaining network security and integrity.

Stellar is designed to process transactions quickly and at a low cost. The network typically achieves settlement in a matter of seconds, making it suitable for use cases requiring fast transaction finality. Additionally, transaction fees on the Stellar network are minimal, making it cost-effective for users to transfer value.

Stellar supports atomic transactions, which ensure that multiple operations within a transaction either all succeed or all fail together. This atomicity guarantees transaction integrity and prevents partial execution, reducing the risk of inconsistencies or errors in transaction processing.

Stellar's efficient and inexpensive transaction processing makes it well-suited for cross-border payments and remittances. Financial institutions, remittance providers, and payment processors can leverage the Stellar network to facilitate real-time settlement of international transactions, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional payment methods.

Stellar features a built-in decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to trade assets directly on the network. The DEX enables peer-to-peer trading of various assets issued on Stellar, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and tokenized assets. Users can place buy and sell orders, execute trades, and access liquidity without relying on centralized exchanges.

Stellar operates with its native cryptocurrency called Lumens (XLM). Lumens serve as a bridge asset that allows users to convert between different currencies quickly and at a low cost. 

Lumens serve as a bridge currency, enabling users to convert between different assets quickly and at low cost. This feature makes cross-border transactions and asset exchange more efficient.

Lumens are used to prevent spam on the network by imposing a small fee (called a "base fee") on each transaction. This fee is minimal, but it helps deter malicious actors from flooding the network with unnecessary transactions.

Stellar requires accounts to maintain a minimum balance of Lumens to prevent spamming and ensure network security. This minimum balance is known as the "base reserve."

Lumens holders have voting rights within the Stellar ecosystem. They can participate in key decisions related to the protocol's development and governance by participating in on-chain voting.

When the Stellar network launched in 2015, a total of 100 billion XLM were issued. However, developments since the release date have brought about changes to this initial issuance. As of March 15, 2024, the circulating supply of the Lumens is 28,660,771,708 XLM.

In addition to Lumens, Stellar allows users to create and issue their digital assets on the network. These assets can represent various types of value, including fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, securities, commodities, and more. Asset issuers can define various properties for their assets, such as supply, divisibility, and issuer permissions.

Stellar has gained traction for its partnerships with various organizations and financial institutions seeking to leverage blockchain technology for cross-border payments and remittances. Its technology has been adopted by companies and projects in sectors such as finance, banking, remittances, micropayments, and mobile money.

In 2017, Stellar announced a partnership with IBM to explore the use of blockchain technology for cross-border payments and other financial applications. This collaboration led to the development of projects such as IBM World Wire, which leverages the Stellar network for real-time settlement of cross-border transactions.

StellarX, a user-friendly decentralized exchange built on the Stellar network, was launched in 2018. StellarX provides a platform for trading various assets issued on Stellar, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and tokens representing real-world assets.

Stellar has seen increasing adoption by financial institutions, remittance providers, and fintech companies seeking to leverage its technology for cross-border payments, remittances, and asset tokenization. Partnerships with organizations such as Stripe, Deloitte, and Tempo have contributed to Stellar's growing ecosystem.

The Average Fees on the Stellar

The average fees on the Stellar network are generally quite low compared to many other blockchain networks. Stellar's fee structure is designed to keep transaction costs minimal while still providing adequate incentives for network validators (nodes) to process transactions and maintain the network's security.

The primary fee associated with transactions on the Stellar network is the base fee. This fee is denominated in lumens (XLM) and serves as a deterrent against spam transactions while also helping to prioritize legitimate transactions on the network. The base fee is typically very small, often fractions of a fraction of a lumen.

Additionally, Stellar imposes a minimum account balance requirement (known as the base reserve) for user accounts. This requirement helps prevent spam accounts and ensures that users have a vested interest in the network's operation. However, the base reserve is not directly a fee for transactions.

The XLM Token Wallets 

The Lumens (XLM tokens) can be held in numerous popular crypto wallets, including Trust Wallet, Ledger, SafePal, Atomic Wallet, Coin Wallet, Freighter, Wirex Wallet, and Guarda Wallet.

Where and How to Buy XLM 

Traders can buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) from various cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms such as Binance, Kraken, Coinbase, Bittrex, etc. However, for a hassle-free and seamless experience, consider using SwapSpace, where you can buy XLM crypto with ease. SwapSpace offers competitive rates and a user-friendly interface, making the purchasing Stellar process straightforward.

How to Buy XLM on SwapSpace


On this page, we put USD in the “You send” and XLM in the “You get” sections in the widget. USD is the default, but you can choose your preferred fiat currency. Put in the amount of fiat you want to spend. Next, press the ”View offers” button and choose a provider.

Buy Crypto Step 1

Fill in the “Enter the recipient address” field with the destination Stellar address. Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button. After reading the special terms and conditions in the next window, click “Next” again.

Buy Crypto Step 2

At this point, you will either see our partner’s widget or be redirected to another page, depending on the chosen provider. You will be asked to verify your identity, as this is standard practice for the services that work with fiat money. Follow the provider’s instructions on the screen.

Buy Crypto Step 3

After completing the KYC procedure, fill in your credit card information. At this point, everything is in place and your transaction will start.

Buy Crypto Step 4

Wait for the transaction to process. You’ll see a message when it’s completed. A window with your transaction details will also appear; from there, you can also create another crypto-fiat exchange.

Buy Crypto Step 5

Convert Fiat to Crypto Now

If you’re still just considering buying crypto with a credit or debit card, you can use the widget to play around with our cryptocurrency converter: just put in the amount of USD, EUR, or other fiat currency you're willing to spend and see how much XLM you can buy with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to predict Stellar future price?

Are there limits for buying Stellar?

Can I purchase XLM with other crypto instead of fiat?

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