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Exchange VeThor Token (VTHO)

If you're looking to swap VeThor Token, SwapSpace is your one-stop shop. We have some light reading for you — in case you'd like a refresher on what is VeThor Token, or some fresh information about VTHO’s price movements. And, of course, we provide you with multiple VeThor Token exchange options so that you can choose the offer with the best rates and lowest VeThor Token fees, as well as other parameters that suit you.


VeThor Token Price Stats

To help you make a decision about exchanging your VeThor Token, we gathered some cold hard numbers: VeThor Token price chart and other stats, such as VeThor Token market cap.


VTHO 24H HIGH $0.00322657317811


VTHO MARKET CAP $232,194,555.391




VTHO 24H LOW $0.00303856875546


VTHO PRICE $0.00306215336164


VTHO 24H VOLUME $202,820.516

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VeThor Token Price Chart

Here you can see the current price of VeThor Token, as well as VeThor Token price history.

What is VeThor Token?

VeThor (VTHO) token is one of the two assets of the VeChain Thor public blockchain. The network was initially launched in 2015 and underwent a total rebranding in 2018. Unlike the VeChain token, which is a native asset of the network, VeThor is the token powering the network and the transactions on it. 

VeChain Thor platform was originally created as a subsidiary for a Chinese blockchain industry — Bitse, but was later separated to develop as an independent project.  It boasts increased processing speeds and an open-source design, so the developers can work on the projects together. The blockchain also offers users multi-party payments and multi-task transactions, so different types of enterprises can benefit from the network. The main goal of the network is to provide a secure and transparent supply chain for enterprises. 

VTHO is a token of VIP-180 standard and its price represents the cost of using the VeChain Network. It enables processes and transactions on the blockchain and is directly related to the smart-contracts layer on the Network. To perform any transaction a Vethor token should be created for every VeChain coin introduced to the asset.

Being a VIP-180 token makes Vethor really unique. The bi-token design of VeChain allows users to participate with any of them and makes the users’ involvement more differentiated. The dual token design also makes the execution of smart contracts easier as it only depends on VTHO tokens and doesn’t affect the market value of VET. 

VeChain Network was founded by Sunny Lu, prior IT Manager of Bacardi China.

A Simple Way To Exchange VeThor Token Here At SwapSpace

Step 1
Step 1

Choose a pair

Choose the cryptocurrencies you would like to exchange among more than 1850 coins and tokens. Pick them from drop-down menus. Type the number of coins you want to swap.

Step 2
Step 2

Select the best rate

You choose the rate – we do the magic! Pick up the exchange service by the rate which meets your requirements. Make sure you are okay with the selected service network fee and privacy policy: some of them require you to pass the AML/KYC procedure.

Step 3
Step 3

Transfer funds

Send the exact amount to the address provided and receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes. Don’t have a wallet yet? Our support will recommend a good one!

Step 4
Step 4

Receive your coins

You’ll get your coins in a few minutes! The exact time is a subject of various parameters such as blockchain network workload, transaction volume, our partners’ processing speed, etc. Concerned about your transaction? Check the swap tracker or feel free to contact the support: support@swapspace.co.

Exchanging VeThor Token: SwapSpace’s Video Tutorial

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will VeThor Token go up?

Is VeThor Token a good investment?